Born on 10 April 1964
in PragueEducation
1982–1988 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Department of Applied Painting
1978–1982 Secondary Art School in Prague
She lives and works in Prague; in addition to painting
she designs stained glass.
Her paintings are represented in private collections in the Czech Republic, Austria, United Kingdom and the USA.
Monika Holečková / Zahrada
Kdesi za Děčínem na kopcích je zahrada Moniky
Holečkové. Divizny, lilie, růže, pupalky, astry, begónie, anemonky, rozrazily, chrpy,
kosatce …. všechno to kvete, bují, a v dálce na obzoru v mlžném oparu
hory. Malířka po několikaleté tvůrčí odmlce nachází smysl v přirozené i
rafinované kráse přírody a svými novými pastely a oleji na plátně se přirozeně
a zcela bezděky vrací k motivům, které se objevily na jejím vůbec prvním
veřejném vystoupení v roce 1989 na legendární výstavě nezávislého umění Minulost
a budoucnost ve sklepech
Vinohradské tržnice. Bujná pestrá květena je dnes
zachycená s velkou upřímností, bez potřeby kompoziční stylizace (co jiného
bych měla dnes malovat?) a zároveň vedle esence životnosti je imanentně přítomná
melancholická připomínka večera. Čas popošel. Zahrada ale po zimě každým rokem
Kurátorka výstavy Lucie B. Šiklová
Monika Holečková / Paintings
Works published on this website have been selected from Monika Holečková’s oeuvre since the early 1990s up to the present. The artist presents herself here primarily as a sophisticated colorist who is able to capture innermost feelings through color. She has drawn important inspiration from her travels. Mountainous landscapes, which are the dominant motif of her art from the late 1990s, reflect the artist’s fundamental experience – her journey to high mountains in Asia, which had affected her perception of sharp colors and light contrasts and forms both from the personal and visual point of view. Her dreamy landscapes are reminiscent of illustrations of mythological stories or stage design and feature mountain peaks piled on each other, interconnected by emphatic vertical lines. Silhouettes of mountains and decorative vegetation merge with abstract forms; shades of yellow, blue, pink and green produce a calm atmosphere of landscapes of an ancient world with no people. However, it is not an unpopulated country, on the contrary – life permeates its every part. The viewer is drawn inside with the same force like a pilgrim attracted by a mysterious mountain on the horizon, and even more by an unknown world which extends behind it.Most paintings from the period after 2004 have eliminated the figurative element and show an increased interest in structures and lines, still in connection with color. The paintings reflect the artist’s travels around Italy – the image of the world seen from above, from belfries and towers, a dancing mosaic of multicolored roofs in contrast with an upward view of the heights of church cupolas. In the intense color scheme, the blue of the sky and the sea is combined with earthy reddish shades.
In the subsequent period Monika Holečková has concentrated more on primary forms and the play with color. Energetic large planes of rich colors are intersected by contrasting stripes and thinner lines of different coloring, which make the image more lyrical, providing it with inner motion and at the same time undermining the radical statement of large color masses. Color shades seem to express various emotions and in their interaction the viewer can perceive basic feelings of human existence: horizontal lines representing calm, vertical lines representing intersection, diagonal lines representing motion, change and hope. Harmony, consonance, love, contradictions, rage, grief, hope... every viewer may conduct his/her own dialogue with the particular work of art.The latest paintings from April and May 2009 show overall relaxation both in the composition and the painter’s brushwork. Sharp borders between color stripes are disrupted, color shades merge in a more elemental way or slowly pass into each other or roll over each other in a flow of the energy of life.The development of Monika Holečková’s art covering approximately 15 years reflects continuous transformations of her original artistic expression, heading towards simplification of forms of expression. Painting in her interpretation is always a personal statement full of life and vitality, “female” in the true sense of the word, connected both with the earth and the sky, embracing and warm and simultaneously disquieting. The main theme of her art is in fact life itself, interpreted with energy and sensation into remarkably colorful compositions. This quality places Monika Holečková among prominent representatives of Czech paintings of her generation.
Blanka Kubíková
It is a joy and wonder and affirmation of the beauty and abundance that surrounds us, in which we often participate without being aware of it. She has been in awe over the images of mountain ranges, estuaries, islands and bays from the Titanic perspective which is confusing because of the lack of light and shadow, usually helpful in creating images of space. The perspective from heaven literally lifts up valleys and diminishes mountain ranges and changes the Earth’s surface into a multicolored abstraction. The new canvases are not Monika Holečková’s transcript of Google Maps. They mediate the feeling. It gets to the canvas with an inherent sophistication and rich sensualistic color scheme, grounded in genuine experience. In comparison to her previous landscape paintings, displaying an inclination to direct lines, sometimes being abstract to the point of geometry, here the expression is more relaxed and becomes organic. The shell-like formations function as a surreal seaweed drifted into the shore. In comparison to Monika Holečková’s previous work, what is striking here are variegated colors, combined with the joy of abundance.The inclination towards the Earth in contemporary art is evident and it is certainly no coincidence that the word Earth is to be found in titles of many works of art and as well as whole exhibitions, and we can also find it here in various forms. It is about time. Abundance is still here. Abundance is a feeling of the original source of life. Looking inside oneself and meeting the living ones. Becoming aware of one’s consciousness. Looking out from there to the world in its abundance of expressions of life. Seeing and enjoying them. Not looking forward to anything, but just enjoying.Monika Holečková (born on 10 April 1964 in Prague) lives and works in Prague. She studied at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Prague (1978 – 1982) and subsequently at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Department of Applied Painting (1982 – 1988). Her paintings are represented in private collections both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Lucie Šiklová
Monika Holečková / Abundance
What is abundance?
Abundance is overflowing.
Springs are abundant.
Yellow is a ray of abundance.
Abundance is being at peace. Abundance is being well.
Abundance is a feeling.
Abundance persists.
Monika Holečková’s painting has been from its beginning a continuous flow. Groups of paintings follow one after another over time, one passing into the other, flowing steadily without a pause. A continuous link between them is the theme of the Earth and an almost personal theme is the interconnection between the bottom and the top. Monika Holečková formulates the feeling of her own experience of looking into the landscape, looking down from above, from a mountain, from a tower, from the bottom up into a high vault, to the sky. She transforms an experience into a sensation, thought out up to the edge of a symbolic level. There she stops and begins to paint.The Earth, sea, air. A vault. An area. Landscapes on the verge of abstraction, very personal as well as elemental through the experience. Modestly engaged symbolism far away from environmental fanaticism.The latest flow of paintings again stems from the good old source. This time the impulse for inspiration came from photographs of the Earth’s surface from satellites. At first Monika Holečková employs pastel, and in the next stage oil in order to look for and eventually find an increasingly more convincing expression of amazement at the wealth of such views of the Earth.
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